Make each day your Masterpiece (John Wooden)


Life is short, treasure every day.

Imagine yourself at the end of a wonderful day, taking a big sigh, just before closing your eyes to sleep, reflecting on a day that felt just perfect.  What did you do, who were you with, what did you create, who did you help, what did you experience, what did you achieve, what made you laugh, what made you proud, what are you excited about, how did it feel, look, smell, taste? 

Now, at the start of each day (or better still, the night before), write down what you will do to create the masterpiece in front of you.  Write how you will start your day, what you will accomplish, what will you do to make yourself better than the day before.  Think of all aspects of life, your health, wealth, relationships, and career.  It is in your power to create a life of wonderful memories.

Most of us have more control over our mind, our body and our decisions than we think we do. 

Each day delivers a blank canvas for us to craft our masterpiece.

Why live any other way?